What to Expect

All of our drop-in classes are perfectly suited for busy modern people. You do not need to be a Buddhist to enjoy and understand Buddha’s teachings.  Anyone can benefit from increased inner peace.

Guided Meditation
Be guided in a short breathing meditation and connect to an experience of inner peace. No prior experience is necessary.
Short Talk
Every week the teachings explore one aspect of Dharma, or Buddha’s teachings, which focus on solutions to problems in daily life, inducing genuine optimism and increased happiness.

Concluding Meditation
To finish the class, we will engage in another meditation based on the teaching that was given.

All classes are taught by our Resident Teacher or other experienced Kadampa teachers.  Classes include a short chanted prayer (in English), 10-20 minutes of meditation and 30-40 minutes of teaching.

Class Fee
There is a $10 fee for most of our weekly drop-in meditation classes.  All proceeds help to support the cost of venue rental (at branches) and operating costs at our main Center. Our Teachers are volunteers and freely offer their time.

At our Center in Harrisburg, classes are presented in a meditation room with a shrine adorned with beautiful Buddhist statues. We ask that shoes are removed before entering the meditation room. Most people sit in chairs, but cushions are available if you prefer to sit on the floor. It is traditional to stand out of respect before the teacher enters the room at the beginning of a teachings and again when the teacher leaves at the end.

Even people who have never meditated before can benefit from our classes. Teachings are presented in a clear and easily accessible manner, and meditations are guided so that beginner and experienced meditators can appreciate the benefits of meditation together.

After class, there is usually an opportunity for some social time with tea and snacks, and the teacher is often available to answer any questions that may arise or to discuss the teachings. Please check our class schedule and drop into whichever session works best for you.

Important health information about our classes 

Due to COVID-19 safety guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health, there will be changes to how classes are conducted.  Please read about it here.